betty of a corgi in southern california has bestowed on me the following:
a big surpise as i do not consider myself a writer, and actually, if you follow my journal at all, you know i'm not very loquacious...but maybe a picture IS worth a thousand words?? :)
so...about the award...
This is an award for those that write about real things, not necessarily on every entry, but those who share information about themselves or where they live, what is happening in their area or in the world. What a wonderful way to give some recognition and appreciation to those who write and share a bit of their lives with us. This award is for sharing so be sure to pass it on to other people.
Here are the rules:
1. Please put the logo on your journal - Real Blogs/Real People.
2. Place a link from the person, from whom you received the award.
3. Nominate as many as you want (2-10, with 7 being ideal).
4. Put the links of those on your journal.
5. Leave a comment on their journal to let them know.
6. Put the award on your sidebar, if you want.
and i would like to give this award to:
If My People
kbear's heart 2
Monica's Mindless Mumblings
sheria of theexaminedlife honored me with the creative spirit award. while i love taking pix and sharing them here, i am amazed that others seemingly enjoy them thanks! :)
1. Choose 5 blogs you consider deserving of this award for their creativity, design, interesting material, and contribution to the blogging community, regardless of the language.
2. Each award should have the name of the author and a link to his/her blog to be visited by everyone.
3. Each award winner should show the award and put the name and link to the blog that presented him/her with the award.
4. The award winner and the one who has given the award should show the Arte y Pico blog so everyone will know the origin of this award. Translated, it means "the peak of art." (Actually, that's a pretty loose translation but close enough.)
5. Show these rules.
there are so many wonderful photography blogs out there that i've really enjoyed, but here are a few of my faves....
Lisa's Chaos
The Rocky Mountain Retreat
Julies Photo Journey
from martha comes the keepin' close award...translated means blogging brings and keeps us close...or something like that. :) and we do develop friendships and a closeness here that i find special and pretty cool.
i would like to share this one with:
linda of My Thotful Spot
linda of Finding Footprints in the Sand
helen of myeverydaylife
betty of a corgi in southern california
Dorothy of Counting My Blessings tagged me to tell 6 more things about me...i really had to do some thinking here after listing 6 things here , but here goes....
1) i'm a christian, conservative southern gal through and through.
2) evidently i have a real southern accent (can't understand that as i live in NORTH alabama!)...when visiting other states, all i have to do is speak and more than once, someone pipes up with 'you aren't from around here!!'
3) i love photography (you didn't know that, now did you??) and have since i was a kid, but due to the cost of film and developing (especially as a young family with little extra monies) it wasn't until i got my 1st digital camera a few years ago that my passion exploded. i will take hundreds of pix within a day when visiting new places.
4) i was married for 20 years the first go round...have 2 beautiful children, (and now 3 grandchildren). we moved 14 times in those years, all but 2 moves were in the state of alabama. did live one year in central florida, and one year in sw kansas. no...he wasn't in the military...he just liked change.
5) i was born in cleveland, ohio, we moved to chicago, illinois, and then to springfield. missouri, before making it back south were my folks are from. so with the 2 moves to kansas and florida, i've lived in 6 states in my 50 years.
6) if i ever win a lot of money, after helping my children and giving to missions, i would travel, travel, travel! so much to see and experience yet!
now...if you haven't done this yet and would like to share a bit about yourself, jump right in and link back to let me know! :)
Benefits Of New York City’s Cryotherapy
2 years ago
Congrats on all your awards Gina! And yes, a picture is worth a thousand words! Thanks for always sharing yours with us :-)
Thanks for playing, Gina. Now I know you a little better!
thanks for that award!! so thoughtful of you!! You take real pictures and share them with real words so that's why I thought you were such a good match for that award I bestowed (I love that word) on you! and you know I love your pictures!!
wow 14 moves in 20 years and I thought my 10 moves in 20 years was hard; wow! I'm amazed!
Congrats on all the awards! It's always a nice surprise to know that others think of you in such a special way!
Wow....lots of awards for you, and a LOT of work that went into this post I'm sure! I thank you kindly for the creative award you gave me. It means a lot Gina.
: )
I had to visit for this entry! lol Don't be using those 25 cent words when I'm this tired. Congrats on all the acknowledgement. I see I'm not the only one who things yours is a job well done.
Thank you for the award. I have it for my main journal and now for my photo journal. I am honored.
Congratulations Gina, that's a lot of awards! Thank you for choosing me for the creative spirit award, I'm the same as you ~ I love taking photos and I'm just surprised people seem to enjoy seeing them! Jeannette xx
Congrats on ALL the awards! how i missed this entry is beyond me. guess i've been busy. well deserved awards!~kbear
Awwww thanks for the mention in the awards...
I am so behind in reading, off to see all your beautiful photos....
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